It was with a heavy heart that Session and I broke the news to the congregation that my last worship service here at Mulberry will be our Christmas Eve Services. It's been a strenuous past few months as we have considered this possibility, hoping to find a way to stay but knowing that God has different plans. Fortunately, by moving to part time status and ending the full time installed position, the congregation is freed to create a search committee and begin their search for a part time pastor immediately. By moving to part time status the financial situation of the church becomes strengthened. By moving to part time status, it also makes the inevitability of leaving that much more real.
For 6 1/2 years I have loved serving this church. With all the ups and downs we've had, it is full of good people with faithful hearts doing their best to follow God's will. It is also hard to leave a situation where so much fruit is evident from these years of mission focus: new members, new visitors, new staff, new intern, new outreach programs, etc.
But like Paul says in I Corinthians 3:6-7, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." I have planted the seeds God has given me. Apollos will come along in January and water the efforts that have been invested. But neither of us deserve any credit, because only God will give growth to those seeds.
These next three months will be one of preparing for a transition, for all of us. I prepare as I pack a house but don't where yet where I will be going. They prepare as they interview and search for a new pastor. Neither of us know quite what to expect or what will happen. It's the beginning of an end, and yet another beginning for all of us is just around the corner. To God be the glory!