Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Is It So Hard to Love?

Do you remember those black billboards with white lettering that had "messages from God"?  I think my favorite was, "That love thy neighbor thing...I meant that." - God.  And yet 2,000 years later, it's still so hard to love our neighbor.  I'm not talking about smiling and saying hello and "being nice."  I'm talking about really loving each and every person because they are made in the image of God.  I'm talking about seeing and treating each person as a worthwhile, inherently good human being that deserves my love and respect.

The PCUSA, of which I am a member, has just had its General Assembly, a bi-annual national gathering.  Nowhere is that "Love Thy Neighbor" thing missing more than at that meeting.  While I did not attend, I watched some of it live and read first hand accounts of the experience.  I am ashamed to admit I did not see a lot of love, real love that shows compassion and demands justice for all people.  Sure, many talked about love, how they love all people, but actions failed to back up their words.  How can we love our Palestinean neighbors and yet not divest from companies that are literally tearing their houses apart?  How can we love our gay and lesbian neighbors and not allow their pastors to perfom wedding ceremonies legal in their home states?  How can we love the nominated vice moderator and then literally blackmail the General Assembly in threats until she resigns?   How can we love those who hold opposite opinions than "us" and then demonize them?

Why is it so hard to love?  At both the national level and local level.  In my experience, trying to intentionally create a church of love and acceptance has ironically led to anger and withdrawal.  O Lord, help us all.  Save us from ourselves.  And give us the strength to love our neighbors, ALL our neighbors.  Everyone loved, unconditionally.  Everyone accepted, unconditionally.  May it be so.  Amen.

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